7th Grade Language Arts Assignments

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Past Assignments


Final Story in Google Classroom

Final Story


Final Story in Google Classroom

Final Story


Final Story in Google Classroom

Final Story


Scary Story: Second Draft in Google Classroom

Scary Story: Second Draft


Scary Story: First Draft Due in Google Classroom

Scary Story: First Draft Due


Scary Story: First 10 Sentences in Google Classroom

Scary Story: First 10 Sentences

Write the first 10 sentences to your story. Make sure it is:
12 point Times New Roman font
Double spaced
Justified alignment


Scary Story: First 10 Sentences in Google Classroom

Scary Story: First 10 Sentences

Write the first 10 sentences to your story. Make sure it is:
12 point Times New Roman font
Double spaced
Justified alignment


Scary Story: First 10 Sentences in Google Classroom

Scary Story: First 10 Sentences

Write the first 10 sentences to your story. Make sure it is:
12 point Times New Roman font
Double spaced
Justified alignment