Admissions » FAQs


  • Do we need to be Catholic to attend Saint Charles Borromeo School?
    • No, we accept students from any religion. Students are required to attend Catholic religion instruction regardless of their faith and families are expected to support the school’s mission and philosophy.

  • How can I qualify for plan A of the tuition?
    • Families must be registered parishioners of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, their church envelopes, and show a pattern of financial support to the parish for a period of time before being placed on Plan A of the tuition plan. The school verifies parishioner status and support twice a year. Families may be placed on Plan B if support cannot be confirmed (this means regular us of the parish envelopes).

  • How old does my child need to be to start school in Transitional Kindergarten?
    • The required age for T.K. students is four (4) years of age on or before September 1.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish School
10850 Moorpark Street
North Hollywood, CA 91602
Phone: 818-508-5359
John Genova, Principal
Matthew Nicklas, Vice Principal
Brenda Ianniciello, Office Manager
School Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Friday 7:30 am - 1:00 pm