Spirituality & Enrichment
St. Charles Borromeo School believes in educating the whole child, spiritually, academically and socially. Each class develops and implements meaningful service learning projects that focus on creating citizens who actively contribute to their communities.
Community Service
Throughout the school year each class participates in a grade level community service project. Many of the projects are on going. As a school community we also participate in community service projects assisting the ill and less fortunate of our parish and local community. The school is also actively involved in assisting our Parish Service Center with donations of food, clothing, and other needed items for the food pantry and service center. During the holiday seasons we provide holiday cheer by purchasing and donating boxes of food for Thanksgiving, Christmas gifts, Easter Baskets, and other requested service.
Mass Attendance
All students, faculty, and staff attend mass each month as a student body. Each grade is scheduled to prepare and assist with one of the monthly masses. Students in grades 3 through 8 attend mass once a week as a class.
School Families
All students, faculty, and staff are involved with "school families". A student from each grade and a member of the faculty and staff are each assigned to a "school family". Our "school families" are named after saints and their "families" meet during scheduled times to pray, participate in activities, become better acquainted as part of the school community across grade levels, and attend monthly mass where we pray and celebrate the Eucharist together.
- Advent Wreath Ceremonies
- Christmas Program
- Class Reconciliation
- Didactic Masses
- Living Rosary
- May Crowning
- Stations of the Cross
- Support of the Holy Childhood Association
Classes are subject to change based on teacher expertise and input
- Arts & Crafts
- Geography
- Health
- Logic
Homework is a reinforcement, extension and/or preparation of materials and skills covered in the classroom, and allows the student an opportunity to work independently. As reinforcement, assignments should cover skills previously taught which the majority of the class understands. As extension, long‑term projects such as compositions, book reports, research projects, and oral presentations may be assigned. Students may gather or prepare materials needed for class projects. Homework is generally assigned Monday through Thursday. Ordinarily, homework is not assigned on weekends except for the purpose of making up work missed through absence, through poor effort, to complete long term projects, or because the student needs extra practice on basic skills. The teacher at Back to School Night explains individual class homework policies, procedures and timelines. Each student in grades 5-8 will be issued a homework assignment book. Assignments are written on the board for students to copy.
TK - Kinder | One Activity |
Grades 1-2 | Not to exceed one half hour |
Grades 3-5 | Not to exceed one full hour |
Grades 6-8 | Not to exceed two full hours |