Academics » Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

Transitional Kindergarten (TK)



To enroll, children must be 4 years old by September 1st

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten.  It gives young learners a head start while providing them with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their developmental, emotional, academic, and social needs. 

St. Charles Borromeo School’s Transitional Kindergarten program offers a creative and nurturing environment in which children feel like part of an extended family.  With the caring guidance of our teachers and staff children will grow intellectually, spiritually, socially and emotionally.  Our goal is to prepare children by fostering faith, inspiring a love of learning, and encouraging respect for oneself and others.

Enrichment classes include art, computers, library and story time, music, physical education, Spanish and computers.  The children use the computer lab daily, accessing MS Word, Super Phonics, ABC Mouse and Dance Math Typing programs.


TK Daily Schedule

  8:00 am -   8:30 am Rug time (Music, Calendar & Story time)
  8:30 am -   9:00 am Math
  9:00 am -   9:20 am Language Arts
  9:20 am -   9:50 am Recess (Snack / Outside Play)
  9:50 am - 10:30 am Computers (Phonics, Math & Typing Programs)
10:30 am - 11:00 am Language Arts (Mon-Wed), Physical Education (Thurs)
11:00 am - 11:30 am Science (Mon & Wed), Social Studies (Tues & Thurs)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Religion
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm Lunch
12:50 pm -  1:30 pm Rest (Nap time)
  1:30 pm -  2:00 pm Math Centers (Mon), Language Arts Centers (Tues), Mystery Bag (Wed), Art (Thurs) 
  2:00 pm -  2:30 pm Cooperative Play (Dramatic Play, Puzzles, Legos, Cars, Trains, Outside Play)
  2:30 pm -  2:45 pm Prep for Home
  2:45 pm -  3:00 pm Dismissal


  8:00 am -   8:30 am Rug time (Music, Calendar & Story time)
  8:30 am -   9:00 am Math
  9:00 am -   9:20 am Language Arts
  9:20 am -   9:50 am Recess (Snack / Outside Play)
  9:50 am - 10:30 am Computers (Phonics, Math & Typing Programs)
10:30 am - 11:00 am Library / Story Time
11:00 am - 11:30 am Music
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Cooperative Play (Dramatic Play, Puzzles, Legos, Cars, Trains, Outside Play)
12:45 am -  1:00 pm Dismissal


After School Care – Bruins Den


Bruins Den our After School Care program is available from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm Monday through Thursday and 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm on Fridays.